

     Counselor Appointment  Transcript   

    Please read-

    If in an emotional crisis during school hours-come in asap!! 

    Currently the Appointment Request Form is turned off due to Finals and semester change over.

    If you need College/Career/Dual Enrollment assistance- email Mrs. Amy Green.

    If you need a course correction- fill out the form linked below.  

    The counseling office is always open during DEN TIME for questions related to courses, schedules, general FAQs. 



    Please note: As we discussed in our registration visits, we will only be making course corrections/adjustments the first five days of the semester based on academic requirements such as the following:

    -courses on schedule passed during summer school

    -dual enrollment

    -special program enrollment

    -seniors needing a requirement for graduation

    -teacher noted academic placement change 

    -missing prerequisite

    -missing a core course (english, math, science, social studies, world language)


    Please do not email your counselor for elective changes. See below for information. 

    If you meet the criteria- here is the request FORM



    Course Correction Guidelines

    Virtual Calming Website School Counselors Are There For You Virtually Also!