Progress as Promised: Wentzville South Middle School
Wentzville South Middle School's (SMS) new classroom wing expansion was completed on time and under budget this year thanks to support of taxpayers and Proposition C funding.
The new space now serves as the eighth-grade hallway. What better way to celebrate your final year in middle school than to finish out in the newest addition to the school?
The 700 hallway students and staff have already made the space their own by getting into the spirit of the season — covering the walls with spooky and festive decorations leading up to Halloween. These special touches make this new space more inviting and engaging to students, and gives us a glimpse into the personality of the teams in the building.
With the new space, new class opportunities for eighth-grade students were added to the curriculum. These new classes allow students to experience choices similar to what they will have when they transition to high school.
“We’re proud of the work teachers and the Curriculum Department did last year to put in place new classes such as Outdoor Pursuits, Flight and Space, 7th and 8th grade Industrial Technology, and Media Production,” said Scott Swift, SMS principal.
This new wing expansion at SMS also provides a severe weather shelter. Gone are the days of crouching against the wall. The staff and students can comfortably stand in this environment.
“Knowing that it is our storm shelter and can house our entire student and staff population is pretty impressive,” stated Swift.
There are extensive plans ahead for this space. SMS decals have already been added to both floors, and there is a plan to have more SMS-style decor added to the stairwells. These design touches can be seen throughout the school and help make the new addition seem even more familiar to the students.
Wentzville School District would like to express its appreciation to the voters who continue to support the WSD and who made the Wentzville South Middle School classroom wing expansion possible. We’d also like to recognize all of the hard work of the District maintenance, custodial and facilities teams; Hoener Associates Inc.; LCS, LLC; and the City of Wentzville.