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Welcome to the Wentzville School District Chautauqua Program!In a continuing effort to meet the needs of our community, the Wentzville School District is offering the Chautauqua Before and After School program for families needing a caring, enriching, and well-supervised program for their children's before and after-school time. The Chautauqua Program is in its twentieth year in the Wentzville School District. We are pleased to offer this service at all elementary schools as an extension of the school day.
Please note, we are not accepting registrations for the 25-26 school year. Registration for next year is not available until June 2025.
Many of our sites are on a waiting list due to staffing. Families will be notified of placement as they become available.
The Chautauqua prices are as follows:
Days per Week
4 or 5 Days
3 Days or lessAM Only:
PM Only:
AM & PM:
AM Only:
Sept. through May
Sept. through May
PM Only:
Sept. through May
Sept. through May
AM & PM:
Sept. through May
Sept. through May
A 10% discount will be given for additional children, to be taken off the lesser amount.
Chautauqua Staff Children Discount
WSD employees who have a child enrolled in the District and in Chautauqua will receive a 20% discount off the base Chautauqua price for the requested service and for each child. This does not apply to non-school days, late fees, or registration. The 10% subsequent child discount no longer applies.
Chautauqua Families Who Qualify for Free or Reduced Meals
Any families who qualify for free or reduced meals will receive a 20% discount off the base Chautauqua price for the requested service and for each child. This does not apply to non-school days, late fees, or registration. The 10% subsequent child discount no longer applies.
Fees are based on the total number of student attendance days in the District academic calendar. Payments are divided into nine equal payments with August being prorated. Fees are based on the student's academic calendar.
A $75.00 per family non-refundable application fee is due upon registration for new families.

Chautauqua Office
280 Interstate Drive
Wentzville, MO 63385
Phone: 636-327-3800
Fax: 636-327-8611
Tanya Kirkpatrick, Ed.S
Chautauqua Coordinator-ext. 20356
tanyakirkpatrick@wsdr4.orgDawn Eusterbrock
Executive Assistant-ext. 20360
dawneusterbrock@wsdr4.orgWendy Reichle
Administrative Assistant-ext. 20102Office Hours: 7:30am-6pm