- Journey Elementary
- Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Please remember to always bring photo identification with you to Journey.
Arrival Procedures:
Students may enter the building at 8:45 a.m. Students are not to be in the building prior to 8:45 a.m.
All students and family members should remain in the car until told to exit. Do not hang out outside of cars.
If your student is a car rider, please follow the car rider route on the map. Do not drop students off in the parking lot.
Car riders should not be let out of their cars until a Journey staff is outside to assist with Parent Drop Off.
If arriving after 9:00 a.m., a parent will need to walk his/her student to the main office. The student will need to be signed in by a parent or guardian.
Bus riders will be dropped off along the sidewalk in the bus lot/playground. Journey staff will be outside to escort students into the building.
Arrival Map:
Dismissal Procedures:
Early dismissal will be allowed up to 3:15 p.m. After this time, all students will need to be picked up in the parent pick-up line.
Any time you pick up a child from Journey, you will need to show photo identification and must be listed in our student information system as being allowed to pick the student up.
We will not pull students out of class for early dismissal until you arrive at Journey.
Parents using the parent pick up line to pick up students need to follow the information listed here. Please make sure to have a tag in your front window. Your OLDEST JES student will then be given the tags on the 1st day of school or the day after you request a tag if school has already started.
Cars without a parent pick-up tag will be asked to provide identification. The student will not be released until the office gives permission.
Students will be dismissed from the corner of the gym and either exit to the left or right depending on your spot in line. If your student does not enter with the correct group, please pull ahead to the first cone and let the staff member know so we can get them to their car.
Dismissal Map: